
Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people!

As I was saying, welcome…

…to a corner of the internet where math is for everyone.

…to a place where you decide what you understand well enough, not some weird fill-in-the-bubbles test. (Did that scare you? If you go on too soon and something else is hard later, you’ll just come back and study the one thing again, no big deal!)

…to a group of people who believe that math is for playing with and accomplishing things.

…to Math With Avrila.

Are you looking for puzzles, a class on the mathematics of gravity (at least as experienced on Earth), or some algebra of an abstract variety?

Or something else?

If what you’re looking for didn’t turn up in the search, I’ll be happy to put it on my list of things to add. (Your contact information is optional — if you give it, I can let you know if and when I use your idea.)

Calc You Later!