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  • Geometry, Analytically | Precalculus, Module 7

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! In this class, we’ll combine algebra and geometry to draw, investigate, and understand curved shapes. You need to already be familiar with the topics from Further Trigonometry, because we will use them as steps. Calc You Later!

  • Mathematical Art Club

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! Just for fun, we will collect math art here. We’ll add contests if enough people get involved for it to make sense. Calc You Later!

  • Pythagorean Intro to Number Theory

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! This course is currently free as a “study-along” while I also work my way through the book. (Update: my progress is on hold due to other study priorities, but all are welcome to use what I have so far.) Calc You Later!

  • Crochet a Debugging Duck

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! Rubber duck debugging is a troubleshooting method from computer programming, but it works for any other technical subject you’re having trouble with too. In basic terms, you explain your problem to a rubber duck, and by doing so you think through the problem more clearly to help yourself…

  • Figuring Things Out: STEM club for adults

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! If you like figuring things out, join this free club where we share puzzles, patterns, projects, real-world problems, hypotheses, experiments, analyses of data, literature reviews, and whatever else we can come up with to figure things out. Calc You Later! (Since someone’s bound to ask about the “for…

  • Appreciating the Gravity of the Situation

    The fountain above, located in Siena, Italy, contains many quadratic functions, one of which is labeled. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, CC-A-SA) This course uses fountains and photo editing to explore quadratic equations that model gravity. Students should already be a bit familiar with quadratic equations before doing this project, but do not need to remember every…

  • A Few Ideas from Calculus

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! Inspired by an extra credit opportunity Avrila offered her College Algebra students, A Few Ideas From Calculus makes some main ideas of calculus available to precalculus-level students. For full access, purchase a paid enrollment, or apply for a scholarship. Calc You Later!

  • Algebra 1.5

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! This course will help students who are between Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 review and keep their skills. Calc You Later!

  • Problem Solving and Graphs | Arithmetic and Applications, Module 1

    Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people! The yearlong Arithmetic and Applications class sequence, of which this module is the first part, is intended to serve as a foundation for the Junior High General Math module sequence starting with Area and Surface Area. The target audience is students who are entering junior high school and…