Hello mathematicians, puzzlers, and other curious people!
I\’d really rather be talking about pi right now; I\’ll get to that in another post ASAP.

In case anyone was wondering, I\’m based in Lufkin, Texas. Currently, there are no confirmed cases in my immediate vicinity; there are confirmed cases within a couple hours in several directions, and speedbumps to testing causing unnecessary missed cases is a concern. For myself I\’m not worried as I\’m in good general health, but the actually correct number of people to needlessly endanger is zero so I\’ll be staying home as much as possible to prevent carrying it to anyone. Team Lazy Cat!!!

If you\’re also trying to help flatten the curve and you\’re looking for some time fillers, I\’d like to recommend the puzzle posts and the video I made a bit ago on dynamic color in GeoGebra. I\’m also working on a weeklong math craft series, so check back on Monday.
If anyone could use an algebra+physics+technology timefiller, the quadratic fountain project can be done with your garden hose at home. If the cost is a barrier, please let me know and we can work out some kind of barter for services like video transcript corrections or promoting the site.
Please let me know what kind of timefillers you all are enjoying, so I can make more of similar kinds.
If you need more than just a timefiller, such as help keeping up with a class because you\’re suddenly on unplanned distance learning, or you\’re homeschooling and either not sure where to start or lost a local resource, I\’m offering tutoring and online classes and the last thing I would ever want to do is leave someone out.
Be safe and take care of each other.
Calc You Later!
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